Week 1: Part 2 – BHSSC Developmental Disabilities Division Administrators

Week 1: Part 2 – BHSSC Developmental Disabilities Division Administrators

In Part 2 of our first week of “Coffee with Exceptional Friends” we are chatting with BHSSC’s own Shirley Halverson, Director of Developmental Disabilities Programs and Ronda Feterl, Assistant Director of Developmental Disabilities Programs. Our conversation is about their experiences the past six weeks during the COVID-19 pandemic; how they are supporting the agency staff, caregivers, teachers, support staff, parents, etc. at home and within their organization, and, lastly, what might be some positives outcomes of this experience.

Join us for our series of “Coffee with Exceptional Friends” where we're getting inside perspectives on these trying COVID-19 times in education. We'll be having coffee chats with professionals in education to get their views on anything from self-care to maintaining effective contact with students and families. Tune in week-to-week to catch these conversations!