Kyle Laughlin

Kyle Laughlin

Kyle Laughlin joined the BHSSC team in 2016, as TIE as a learning specialists. Kyle now serves as the Project Manager on Results Driven Accountability (RDA) team. Kyle has a Bachelor’s degree in K-12 Special Education and History Education, an Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) in Educational Administration and Leadership, and finishing his Doctorate in Educational Administration and leadership.

Kyle supervises and oversees the RDA team members. He develops and implements data and school improvement process, assists SD/DOE in developing and implementing the RDA within South Dakota, development and implementation of professional development, works as an RDA coach and Compliance Specialist, and continues to collaborate alongside BOCES V in Wyoming.

When Kyle is not working, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Beth and two girls. We enjoy spending time together doing things outdoors and traveling. Kyle also enjoys pheasant hunting, golfing, and drinking local microbrews.


Kyle Laughlin